Donate to the Dawn Hampton Fund

The Frankie Manning Foundation has quickly and generously established the Dawn Hampton Fund to help cover the costs of Dawn's final wishes.

The Dawn Hampton Fund (DHF), administered by the Frankie Manning Foundation (FMF) is intended to cover:

  • Expenses and fees pertaining to Dawn Hampton’s cremation, including related transport and urns.
  • Final utility bills and rent including keeping the apartment in her name for long enough to review and relegate or dispose of contents. The DHF will cover any expenses incurred in this process
  • Fees or legal expenses involved in the closure of her estate, if they should arise.
  • Costs connected to a funeral/celebration event according to Dawn’s wishes. There has been talk of using St. Peters Church, known as the Jazz Church. Details TBD.

If you can, please consider donating today.  The Light is On!

The Track LIVE at ILHC 2016 with Mike Faltesek!

Django and partner at lunch (via django_chug)

Django and partner at lunch (via django_chug)

I'm happy to announce that I'll be back doing another LIVE recording of The Track at ILHC 2016 as part of their LED Talks series! This year I'll be joined by none other than Michael Faltesek.

Mike is never short on knowledge, humor, or opinions, so it's sure to be a great talk. (Hopefully he'll bring Django)

If you are going to ILHC, be sure to join us on Friday (8/26) at 3pm in Salon F.

Also, become a Patreon supporter today to submit advance questions for Falty, and have access to the recorded conversation when it's released!

Pete Johnson - Pete's Blues (YouTube)

If you’re curious about the song intros Laura Glaess & I discussed on the Pete Johnson album Pete's Blues (House Rent Party) (Amazon) in Episode 016, here’s a YouTube playlist of some of the tunes direct from the LP that includes Pete’s guests arriving to his house party.

Hear Laura and I discuss this album, along with other songs used for choreography, learning an instrument herself, and more, by checking out this month’s episode of The Track podcast.  As always, you can find links to the music, performances, and more in each episode’s show notes!

Stompology Show X 2015 - Solo Jazz

This one didn't make the show notes, but check out this chill & smooth solo jazz performance by Laura Glaess, Lunou Samson-Poirot and Hannah MacKenzie-Margulies to Roy Eldridge's "They Raided the Joint" (Amazon, iTunes) at Stompology 2015 in Rochester, NY.

Hear Laura talk about her love of solo jazz dance, choreography for performance and competition, and much, much more in this month's episode!